Monday, February 1, 2010

I was with Jesus...

Well, tonight, we did our noodle night. Two ladies showed up. They offered to come another time so we didn't have to "Spend our time" on two. My sis and I were there. We said to come on in and we learned to make noodles together! we talked, we laughed, we shared stories, we talked about God's provision (Casual, not planned... just came up) and it was AMAZING!!! We had so much fun. They learned to make these noodles from scratch. Neither knew how. But, that isn't all that happened! As my title of this entry said "I was with Jesus." This wasn't a class. This wasn't me just teaching and them just learning. This was seeing Jesus. Experiencing him in our lives. These women came in unsure, and they left full of joy. It wasn't about me. It wasn't that I'm something special. it was me just being who I am and God working through it in the midst.

What's more? They left hungry to come back! They can't wait for the next get together. They even want to start volunteering. That means plugging in and getting to know each other more which means getting to know Jesus more! It's a step closer. This is real kingdom work. Not doctrinal lessons, no one preaching/teaching, no one saying the best prayer... but instead... putting our hands to some flour and eggs and sharing our lives together.

So many times, I think we get caught up in impressing people and we miss it! We think we have to be overly spiritual. Look right. Say it right. Have a plan. But instead, if we could just live out our lives and let them see the light of Christ in us... the ministry happens on its own and they want more! They want to come back. This wasn't about me or my sister... this was about them experiencing the joy of relationship... life with Christ is a relationship and when you experience a healthy wholesome relationship... it leaves you wanting more!

My prayer is, when they eat those noodles with their family tomorrow night, they will relive with their family what they experienced tonight. They will share with their friends and next month, when we get together, they will come back and more will follow, hungry to be with Jesus.

I love being with Jesus...

1 comment:

Shelby-Grace said...

That's so awesome Mindy!