Tuesday, February 10, 2009

chaos of life...

Life has been so busy and let me tell you, I have been fighting not getting caught up in the chaos of it all! I think some times, we get so busy we forget to find that quiet spot to find God and just let Him give us that true rest in him! That's been me this week! I've been so anxious and stressed out... but I haven't taken time to climb up on papa's lap and just let Him be in control of it all! This morning, I was reading in Isaiah. I have been struggling with fears about Joey. The weakness they saw in his right side signifying a possible nuerological issue and the eye issues... doubt has wanted to set in and I have to keep reminding myself where we were just a few short 6 months ago bringing him home from the hospital as a sick little boy! Then, we had the issue of repairing the van yesterday... thankfully Jeff's nephew is a mechanic because we would have owed well over $1,000 for the job he did! But nope, just parts and cash for a dinner out with his girlfriend! :) But still... the money we put into the parts and wondering where it's going to come from to replace it in the budget... this morning, as I was reading Isaiah, I was comforted by and I leave you with this:

Isaiah 44:8,9
'Do not tremble and do not be afraid; Have I not long since announced it to you and declared it? And you are My witnesses. Is there any God besides me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none.'"

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