Friday, October 22, 2010

When life is rough...

This last month has been a real yo-yo of emotions for us. Many things have taken place and some times you just stop and ask God why? Then you realize that God purposed every thing for a reason... so asking why is questioning God's divine plan...

Right now, our struggle is finding strength to endure... I'm reminded today of where our hope comes from. Our hope comes from heaven, the maker of heaven and earth, our Creator, our Father... papa is our hope.

I was reading the word today and this is the verse I came across:

Jeremiah 17:5 "This is what the Lord says: 'Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord."

As I read this, I'm deeply reminded that we need the body of Christ, but our strength can't come only from those around us but our love for God and our relationship with him. God is our strength and apart from him, we can do NOTHING! In struggling through some of this right now, I'm reminded that when things get tough, we as Christians have to push deeper and work harder on allowing HIM to be our strength.

In doing that, God can shine through our hard times even more. This life isn't meant for me but for HIS glory therefore, may we as a family die to ourselves and allow God to be the strength that drives us, the strength that holds us together and the strength that gets us by and through that, may it be to his Glory in the end result that some how, our lives pointed to Him!

Seems this relationship is layered. We need HIM to be our strength, when we do that, the layer comes down to its him in us that brings glory to his kingdom.

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