Saturday, November 20, 2010

So Exciting...

I can't believe we are now passing the 8 weeks mark. I have to say I have felt every emotion in the book this week. Many have asked us "Aren't you afraid of what this child will be like?" That's a hard question to face. Do we have fears, ABSOLUTELY. Do we have doubts... NOPE! We dont know what this childs life will bring, but we know one thing absolutely for sure, we are so blessed with our other two! Yes, we have had heart aches, we have had fears, but we have no regrets. If we had it to do over and we were told from the very beginning what we would walk through, we would do it again! They aren't a burden and they aren't a hindrance to our life... they are an awesome blessing! They have built our faith, they have improved our character, they have strengthened our faith in God and most of all... They have made us happier than we ever could imagine. Every giggle is worth more than anything and NO I would NOT traid it! I'm so thankful for my kids! So thankful for the blessings of knowing they are mine. So, I am excited we are having another and no matter whats to come in the days ahead, God has it all planned out and we will face it with joy and celebration!

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