Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More than I can fathom...

Whelp, Last Thursday (12/9) we went in for our intake with the nurse at the Perinatal Center. They couldn't hear the heart beat of our little one, so they did an ultrasound brief but exciting! Baby Pfohl had a good strong heart beat of 162. Our little one was measuring 10 weeks and they said baby is the size of a grain of rice. The baby was moving. You could see the tiny little arms and tiny little legs.
The next day, Jeff showed the kids what a grain of rice was like. They were in shock. Funny thing, Joey thought Jeff was some how holding the baby and wanted to know where the arms and legs were! Cracked us up!
Its so beyond my ability to even fathom how something so tiny could be so alive and so precious inside of me! To understand that a little life has been placed there...
I have to say I have been very overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. The questions of what will this little life hold... I wait excitedly for the joys but yet find myself holding my breath trying not to fear.... God is so amazing. He's given us two awesome kids! He's held us close to his heart in the heart breaking moments yet given us more joy than we could ever imagine through their lives. I know this baby will be the same no matter the outcome of health. I believe his unfailing love is strong and He will hold us close to His heart no matter what. I am so thankful that God has trusted us with a precious baby that will join this world faster than we can imagine!

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