Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Relationships to change...

Tonight is our free community dinner. In doing this outreach, comes many frustrations but also many more joys that make us keep moving forward! I am excited as we have started this ministry, there are so many people that we have started to build relationships with and we are seeing these folks grow and change every day. It may be small changes and some times the changes go unnoticed, but God sees those changes and counts them victories!!!

I personally have had an opportunity to build a relationship with one of the ladies who come. In this time, I have gotten to love on her, have laughs with her and now, She has decided she wants a job where she can help her community. So, I am getting to help her in that direction. Its these changes that matter! She is striving to better herself and in the midst, she wants to give back to the community! It just amazes me what God does.

Maybe there are folks in your life that are in need. If you can find it in your heart just to show them the love of Christ, God will do the rest! He's faithful to work in their hearts! It doesn't take preaching, it doesn't take beating them with the Word... it takes love and patience. Thank you God for letting me be a part of this ministry! Thank you for allowing me to see folks grow.

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