Wednesday, December 15, 2010

cracks me up....

We took the kids into town last evening to get their Christmas presents for each other. Joey was cracking me up. I worked with him and Daddy took sister. Sis thought this would be a good idea cause she thought that we would each know best what the other wanted. So... off we went. I stopped to talk with Joey about what he would like to get sister. He says "Well, I think I will buy Abby the stinky garbage truck." I snickered and said "Now, is that what Abby would like, or is that what Joey would like?" He just grinned at me with that cute little grin that states "Yep, I'm being a stinker!"

He continued with bringing up boy toys that sister might want and I continued to remind him... now that would be for Joey! Not Abby!

Needless to say, He made a GREAT pick for sister! I think she will be beside herself when she opens her gifts and bub is going to love what sister got! As much as shopping cracked me up, it made me proud how much my kids love each other and how excited they are to bless each other. Neither threw a fit to get something for themselves but instead they can't wait until Christmas to give a gift to each other! I love my stinkers so much!

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