Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Cure for Mito

Our Children have not been specifically diagnosed. They have found they have a nueromuscular disease and they are treated as tho it is Mitochondrial Disease. This video (if you get this post by email, you will need to go to the blog to view the video. It will not open in your email.) will give you a glimpse of what we walk through each day and the concerns that we have. Like many of these kids in the video, they look normal. Beautiful faces and beautiful children, but what happens inside their bodies is another story. Much like one mom said "When she's having a good day, we are having a good day!" It's hard some times to accept the reality of what life holds. It's hard to know that we dont know what tomorrow holds. But its beautiful and wonderful to know that we know that this moment holds that we have two amazingly awesome children who we love more than we ever thought you could love some one! Please pray that whether we have mito or we dont, they find a cure because we have many who we love that are fighting this awful disease and many we have lost because of it!


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