I tell you, life just flies by. Joey is almost 11
mths. old now... He is cruising, crawling great and doing really well. He has his challenges, but he's got the guts to face them! Abby, she's 2 and a big 1/2 now! =) We have decided to
home school our children and well, she's so proud "I start cool (her word for school) now!" I started her in
pre-school this week. I was doing some home school research on the
Internet and well... I came across a GREAT curriculum for two year
olds. She has had so much fun with it! This week, we learned about the letters a & b... what sound they make, we have learned about all kinds of colors and even learned two fun poems. Most of the work is surrounded around coloring, painting and
gluing, but it brings everything down to her level. We have had so much fun with it! It's the first thing she asks about when she gets up and the last things she mentions on the way to bed! Oh, if only the excitement would remain! It's been fun to watch how we can incorporate little life lessons about God into every thing as well. She is just like a little
sponge right now... and
bubby... he gets so excited when the school work comes out! He finds it to be his personal challenge to attack and retrieve everything possible! ha! Oh, it is hilarious! Life has been really good this week. I'm enjoying teaching Abby, I'm enjoying watching
bubby learn to do all his new little "tricks", I'm enjoying the talks with my husband at night... I
don't know what has changed, but this week, I have just found myself taking it all in and smiling. I am so blessed to have the family I have. I have many who say "Oh, you are a reminder to me to be thankful" or "I don't know how you do it..." But the reality is, I can make it because of what Christ has done for me, I can do it, because he is my strength and I have so MUCH to be thankful for because I have a wonderful husband who absolutely loves me, I have two beautiful children who never cease to amaze me and above all... I have a GOD who gives me every dose of strength. yep, I struggle and I have struggled this week even with my attitude (whew... really struggled!)... but I guess it is proof I'm a
real HUMAN. But today, I just feel like reflecting and saying thank you. I think I should stop and do that more. Our PT told us about another little guy who has
mito (bubby's disease) she works with. He has the most severe form (what was questioned in Joey at first). You know, they gave him until his first birthday and he is going to see his third birthday in June. God's hand is on these little guys. Hearing that, my heart sank at the thought of death, but then I thought about that little guy's victory... I guess that is sort of why I'm so reflective today... Joey could be facing so much more than he is, Abby could be just as sick, but they aren't. For some reason I will never know, God has chosen to move his hand... My hearts desire... God would heal joey... Do I believe he can? yep, you betcha. He's healed me... So, I have NO DOUBT that he is able. Is it hard to hang onto that at times? Sure is... but, if God decides to not heal Joey and to use his life in another way... who am I to stand in the way? So, Again, today, I just say thanks. Thanks for all I have!