Saturday, May 26, 2007

Do you see what I have to live with???

OK, now my last blog I was stating just absolutely how thankful I am... hmm... My HUSBAND!! Actually, this makes me more thankful because he keeps me smiling! Today has just been a stinky day. We are working towards selling our trailer and moving closer to the church. I am very excited about this as I get very lonely here. Not a lot of friends in Muncie to hang out with and well... I'd just rather not live here any longer. It was even worse for me today because some one decided to tear up Abby's sand box and throw her toys all over the yard... Then as I'm coming home from getting our groceries, a little boy comes in the yard and announces that it is too bad we like strawberries because some one ate all the ones that Jeff and Abby grew together. All in all... it just felt like a slap in the face today. Shouldn't' bother me that bad... but it did... so I was thankful for my daughters deflated ball that my husband so graciously figured out could stretch enough to go on his big head! Ha! One thing for sure, I love you honey! =)


Kris Sorensen said...

Wow! That is a great look for Jeff! I think he should wear that in to work or to one of the church services.

Anonymous said...

Let us know if you need help moving or someone to look after the kids. We would be more than happy to assist anyway possible. Will you be living in Farmland? I am always looking for opportunities for Audrey to be involved with other children so that she knows how to share and interact with others. I hope the rest of the week goes better for you!