Sunday, May 20, 2007

Play time...

Well, I feel like I just can't get myself back in a groove of things. I haven't been blogging as much because it is a pain to get the pictures up there now that we are using dial up! whew... However, I have been told just to blog and do a picture here and there.... so, you might be just stuck with that! =) Hope you all don't mind. I'm so obsessive! When I do it one way... I'm stuck on always doing that way... hmm... must be where my daughter gets it from! Anyways, this week has been a pretty good week. Not bad at all. Every one has been healthy, we have gotten a lot done and well... over all, not bad! We have all been super tired. I can't seem to pull back. I am so tired right now. We'll get there. We are very excited. We are going to be moving into a house soon. We are working towards selling the trailer. I'm so excited! We found a VERY cute house his weekend. We are hoping that we will get this sold before it is gone. So exciting! Abby loved it! She wanted to move her bed and sleep there. ha! She's so goofy. Her new line is "I crazy!" She says it so funny and well, she kind of looks crazy when she says it.. usually it comes out as she's been goofy. To funny! Bubby, he's been a crack up... we are having to "re" baby proof our house this week as he has had so much energy. He's hit a slump today. Obviously not feeling as well. We are waiting to see what direction that is going to go. Anyways, other than that... life has been fairly normal. Abby meets her new cardiologist tomorrow. We are glad to get done and over with . I really expect him to say it is asthma related, but you never know! We'll see what happens. She's a sweety. that's for sure. Yesterday, we made shells and cheese and she says "Mm, this is good, tanks for makin' it mommy" I tell you, she keeps a smile on our face... both kids do really. Many people have asked us how we get through some of the things that we have faced and honestly, our kids are a major part of that. They never stop smiling... they have their bad days like any one else, but for all they go through... they are full of Joy! Whelp, enough of my ramblings! night to all!

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