Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Are you wise?

Today's verse:

Proverbs 14:1 "The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears her's down."

Reading this today... as you look on through the chapter, it carries on in talking about "a fools talk brings a rod on his back but lips of the wise protect them." etc. More or less, it's a chapter on what happens when you live good and what happens when you live wrong. In looking at this first verse, After reading this whole chapter, it struck me the power that we have in the direction of lives. If we chose to live honest, pure, loving, forgiving lives... we build our "houses" up. If we chose to live lying, impure, hateful, bitter lives, we are like the foolish woman and we tear our "houses" down with our own hands.
I really stand sobered by this. As an individual, my choices aren't just paid for by ME. My family is affected, my husband, my kids... every action that comes from my hands or my mouth has a cause and affect. It can be positive and uplifting, or it can be negative and destructive. Lord, may I be aware of who I am and what I am doing every single moment so that I MYSELF may build my house up and not tear it down!

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