Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We are HIS sheep...

This morning, I was reading in Ezekiel 34. This whole chapter is just packed full of awesome! However, the verses that stood out to me the most are these:

"vs. 11 For this is what the sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep and look after them... vs. 16 I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak, but the sleek and the strong I will destroy. I will shepherd the flock with justice."
As I read this, I was absolutely reminded of God's awesomeness. He is almighty. He is the beginning and the End! He is Holy! He is SOVEREIGN! But we are important to a God who is so much bigger than anything we could think up in our little minds! He LOOKS for us. My heart leaps as I read that! My GOD looks for me! And continuing... he searches for the lost and brings back the strays! If you don't already know Him, He is searching for you! His heart beats for you and longs to bring you to His side to care for you! If you knew Him, but you don't follow him, you are lost... or gone astray... He searches for you! How humbling that a God who has the power to destroy us because of our sin searches for us and longs to draw us in! Brokenness is nothing before Him! He will bind up your wounds and heal them with His love and steadfast strength! He becomes your strength in your weakness. I don't know about you, but I'd rather throw this whole world and what it offers away... I'd rather give up every thing I could possibly have and run to Him! No person, no thing, no any thing could amount to the Love that God has for us! He's searching for me and He is searching for you.
I'm reminded that some times it hurts to let go of the things in our lives. We don't always see God's goodness as the treasure that it is... If you haven't experienced that closeness, the intimacy that God offers, you may not understand that letting go of what you have, be it hard or be it easy, will not even hold a light in comparison to who God is. I have touched it! I have touched that presence and I have felt that closeness with God! I stand here today to tell you, it is worth more than you could imagine! If we could all just let go and fall into his searching arms, we'd find more than we could ever dream or ask... A perfect love that will never let us down....

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