Saturday, January 27, 2007

We have arrived!!!!

Well, it is a new day! The pfohl family has a blog spot. Many of you are probably wondering what our title is about... OK, well, any of you who do not think on Jeff's level would certainly wonder! =) The title we chose is the fantastic pfohls after the famous fantastic four that Jeff loves so well... I believe Jeff would be "Mr. Fantastic", then me (of course mindy) would be "Invisible woman" Abby, very fitting... "The human torch" and Joey, "The thing" Jeff said this was fitting because he's a blob of a little butter ball right now! SO, there you have it! The fantastic Pfohls!!! I am simply surprised I lowered myself, but I did enjoy hearing the Joy in Jeff's voice when he said this name!! So, that's how our blog spot name came about! well, for now, welcome to our blog spot! We hope you will enjoy!


Kris Sorensen said...

I like the title of your blog. Welcome to the blogging world. It's going to be great having you around. I look forward to reading your posts. I'm so happy I get to post the first comment! (It doesn't take much to make me excited)

Anonymous said...

When did his hair turn so red???

Mommy pfohl said...

That hair just gets more red each day!!