Sunday, February 20, 2011


OK... blogger wont let me move these pictures around... so you will be enjoying them in random order... ha!

The kids have been curious about coconuts ever since daddy went to Jamaica. We were at Meijers yesterday and found some in the fresh produce, so we picked one up to bring home for the kids to taste and explore. Joey wanted to use Jeff's big Machete he got in Jamaica to open the coconuts but daddy opted for a hammer! :)

Joey touching the coconut
Sis was absolutely fascinated by the inside!
We are in!!! (not with out challenge!)
Tapping for the milk....
Both kids had a look of "Seriously??" as daddy emptied to coconut! Maybe one day, we can all go to Jamaica as a family and watch the pro's do it! :)


Whit said...

This is so cute! I remember the first time I saw a real coconut and was amazed to see it opened. I love the wonder of being a kid.

Sue said...


What a WONDERFUL picture of your 2 BEAUTIFUL kids you have for the header of your blog! I can't believe how big they both are getting!