Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hard times...

Joey's EEG
Ready for sleepies....
All hooked up! He said "Hey, I'm plugged into a remote!" cracked himself up!

I tell you, this week has been so hard on us emotionally. The kids have had a lot of medical set backs this winter with all the flu and viral infections. Looking at them, they do look great, but things in their bodies have not been holding up so well.

Monday, we saw one of our doctors and coming home, Joey fell asleep. As he was waking from his nap, he stiffened and was shaking. I stood there trying to call his name and wanting him to answer. My heart sank as I realized that he was having a seizure. It's been 2 years since we have seen a true seizure in him and I felt my heart shatter within me. I thought these were gone and I stood here looking at the reality in front of me and I wanted more than anything to rewind time and have a delete button moment for that 60 seconds that I watched my baby suffer...
I called Neurology and they got us in on an immediate opening to do an EEG. Joey has had normal EEG's in the past. This time, the tech left the room and returned with our neurologist. She asked to speak alone with me. Joey's EEG was a mess. He was having spikes over and over and clearly showing seizure activity. She confirmed that Joey is having 3 forms of seizures. The stiffening (Which is what we saw Monday) Micholonic seizures which is where you jerk (Very short seizures) and absence seizures (This is where you zone out for 20 or 30 seconds and then go right back to what you are doing).
Joey has been weaker lately, more tired and his behaviors have been VERY hard to control. She said that this is ALL being caused by these seizures. So, we are starting the process of putting him on the seizure medications.
I am so grateful for the reminder of Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future!" Thank you God for these promises! Thank you for faithfulness and thank you that you are here in the midst of scary moments and hard news!

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