Today, I have been spending a lot of time looking through old pictures, old caring bridge posts and it has brought many emotions... tears... joys... questions... hurt... good memories.. hard memories... One thing it has reminded me of are the people who have stuck by us. Some times, the road of life feels too much... then there is that one person who gives you a hug and suddenly you have strength for a few more days. Or there is that one email that says "Hey, praying for you today." and makes you realize you aren't alone. The one text asking "How can I help" and you realize there are people there ready to catch ya when you just can't put the next foot forward.
The road of life isn't always easy... but the memories we hold... the smiles our kids bring... the laughter we have with family... the moments that we have gotten to minister to people together... the times we have seen lives changed because of the place God had us that day... makes every memory worth it... every day we live worth it... every moment me walk with God... PRECIOUS! One thing unfailing in every thing I looked at today... God's hand was and is there always and forever! Thanks Papa! You are the amazing strength in our life!
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