Sunday, April 26, 2009

battling discouragement...

Today has been another one of those days that you wished you had stayed in bed. I decided to take Joey to a medical clinic today. Well, it was going well until I pulled into the first one and realized that they were closed on Sunday. So, I started to pull out of the parking lot, sitting in the drive, the van dies. Not a person in site. So, I call my mother-n-law to come and while waiting on her, I have to move the van. So, got it pushed half way by myself, warn out. took a break and started again. This timea n officer seen me struggling and came to help. He stayed with us awhile until my mother-n-law came to make sure the kids and i were safe. Got on the go. Get Joey checked in at the next medical center to be denied. They don't take his form of medicaid. So, foiled again! We are now home. Debated on the Er but realized that his fever was down at the time and they wouldn't do anything. Now, his temp is rising nad we are waiting to see what we are going to do. Long day... want some sleep... ~Mindy

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