Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Feeling relief!!!

Well, I am thankful for the decision to lay down pampered chef. It has brought my stress load WAY down. Didn't realize how much of my time it was taking away! I have been able to do so much more with the kids which is the goal for a stay at home mom. I had become a working mom and now realize why I wasn't happy. God told me I was to be a stay at home.. so I was seriuosly out of his will!

The kids are doing good today. Joey's fevers seem to be gone! Thank God! Poor guy! He still has some shortness of breath when he gets to playing hard. T hat's concerning. We see pulminary in May so hopefully they will have some insight to help his asthma.

Miss Abby is actually doing really good right now. She's doing awesome in school. We took a long break just because of every thing that is going on, but are back at it! That's the nice thing about homeschooling! We can take those breaks when life is overwhelming and then start right back in! We will have to finish through the summer. I'm considering starting her kindergarten in January. She won't be 5 until Nov. 29 so it seems odd to start her right away. If she were in public school, it would be next year anyway. Would be kind of nice to not do school during the holidays. We may take our "summer break" fall through the new year. not sure yet!
Well, have a great day every one! ~Mindy

1 comment:

Sue said...

Didn't know you were thinking about making that decision, Mindy. I am glad you feel like some stress has been taken away!

Also glad Mr. Joey is feeling better!