Monday, April 20, 2009

Handsome boy....

I snapped this picture of Joey at the ER Sunday morning. He was too cute. He had just been playing with sissy in the bed. This was after he started feeling better. He told us "Twight!" That means quiet! "I night night!" Then he pretended to snore. He cracked me up! Little stinker. Gave us a big scare but right back to his stinker self when feeling better! Anyways, today, we took him to the ped. He is doing better. O2 levels still a bit low, but over all, he's not bad. They are doubling his daily Asthma med for the next two months. This isn't a really safe thing for him, so they can only do it short term. hopefully this will prevent this happening again! We are going to see a lung doc at Cincinnati come May 27th. We found that out today. Thanks for all the prayers. Some of you have sent some really sweet e-mails or left messages here and we so much appreciate it! This round of sickness has been really hard to handle for all of us. Joey's had a rough set back and we know that God is more than able! So, we are trusting and waiting for His hand. Obviously He is protecting Joey! So, thank God for that! Have a great night all! ~Mindy

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