Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Ezekiel 13:14
I will tear down the wall you have covered with whitewash
and will level it to the ground so that its foundation will be laid bare.
When it falls, you will be destroyed in it; and you will know that I am the Lord.
Here as of late, God's really been convicting me. In some way, every single one of us act different when we are around others as apposed to how we are behind the door of our home. God has been really convicting me of that. I need to live the same BOTH places. Now granted, I'm not sinning behind my door... no more than any one else anyways, I dont have major secrets... but my moods are different. I can force myself to be pleasant when I have to... but then when I'm home... I can be super grouchy! Regardless... I need to be real and be who I am no matter where i am.
In thinking about this... this scripture above has been heavy on my heart. So many times we as Christians white wash ourselves. we put on the game face when we go to church but then other days... when we don't have to wear the game face... we are real... our foundation is bare... we are exposed and the truth is... our hearts aren't always right. It's easy to pretend for a few hours on Sunday morning, but isn't always easy to keep it up...
The heart of God hurts when we wear the game face! He longs for us to be pure in heart... he longs for our hearts to be white but only because of the blood of Christ... not because we "whitewashed" so we look like we are Godly
The last part of this scripture really stopped me in my tracks... He will knock the wall down (The fakeness in your life) and YOU will be destroyed in it... the foundation will be bare... if Christ is your foundation... there is nothing to fear... but if you are whitewashed and your life isn't pure because of Christ... it's not a good place to be... Lay down your whitewash and run to Christ... My prayer is that I can stay pure in him! Daily, living out my life 100% true to who I am... A CHILD of GOD!!!

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