Friday, December 31, 2010

In honor of bubby!

Joey is really into the SHS (Super hero squad) right now! So for bubby... HERO UP! happy new year every one! Be safe! Look to God as your hope and B+ (be positive) every day! There is more to life than what you face or walk through! :)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hard day...

Today, We lost a friend who has taught us so much. Her name is Rina. Rina had a hard battle, especially here lately with her walk with Mitochondrial Disease. If you don't know what Mitochondrial Disease is... the mitochondria are your bodies power houses. When they mitochondria go out... your power goes out. Rina faced every day with a positive attitude. She is precious in spirit! Her loss will be felt greatly! I know that Rina is no longer suffering and she gets to run with energy she has never had... but she will be missed here.

This day has stirred so many emotions. Some really good ones and some that make you just sit and cry. Looking at my own children, they are treating them as though they have mitochondrial disease because that is what their bodies are portraying. This is a very HARD disease to diagnose some times. When I look at Rina's life, I think "Gee, when I grow up, I want to be just like her!" I want to find something to smile about in every circumstance. I want to find joys and bring light to the room of people around me. Rina had one thing under her belt... Her quote on her Caring bridge page is this "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."

Today is a present. No matter what yesterday held... no need to worry about the mystery of tomorrow... but to focus on today... it's a gift that God has given us. In keeping with Rina's desire... Remember B+ (be positive)

Be blessed my friend as you dance with the angels tonight! We love you!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Cure for Mito

Our Children have not been specifically diagnosed. They have found they have a nueromuscular disease and they are treated as tho it is Mitochondrial Disease. This video (if you get this post by email, you will need to go to the blog to view the video. It will not open in your email.) will give you a glimpse of what we walk through each day and the concerns that we have. Like many of these kids in the video, they look normal. Beautiful faces and beautiful children, but what happens inside their bodies is another story. Much like one mom said "When she's having a good day, we are having a good day!" It's hard some times to accept the reality of what life holds. It's hard to know that we dont know what tomorrow holds. But its beautiful and wonderful to know that we know that this moment holds that we have two amazingly awesome children who we love more than we ever thought you could love some one! Please pray that whether we have mito or we dont, they find a cure because we have many who we love that are fighting this awful disease and many we have lost because of it!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Relationships to change...

Tonight is our free community dinner. In doing this outreach, comes many frustrations but also many more joys that make us keep moving forward! I am excited as we have started this ministry, there are so many people that we have started to build relationships with and we are seeing these folks grow and change every day. It may be small changes and some times the changes go unnoticed, but God sees those changes and counts them victories!!!

I personally have had an opportunity to build a relationship with one of the ladies who come. In this time, I have gotten to love on her, have laughs with her and now, She has decided she wants a job where she can help her community. So, I am getting to help her in that direction. Its these changes that matter! She is striving to better herself and in the midst, she wants to give back to the community! It just amazes me what God does.

Maybe there are folks in your life that are in need. If you can find it in your heart just to show them the love of Christ, God will do the rest! He's faithful to work in their hearts! It doesn't take preaching, it doesn't take beating them with the Word... it takes love and patience. Thank you God for letting me be a part of this ministry! Thank you for allowing me to see folks grow.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Merry Christmas

Got to love snoopy! :)

I know! This is a profound entry and you just can't get over my wonderful insight to life! :) LOL! Oh well, I love snoopy and I couldn't resist!!!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Some times...

Some times when life gets stinky... you just need to put those things in front of you that remind you to smile and that you have an awesome GOD! So... here are the things that make me smile the most and the biggest reason I know I have an awesome God....

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

cracks me up....

We took the kids into town last evening to get their Christmas presents for each other. Joey was cracking me up. I worked with him and Daddy took sister. Sis thought this would be a good idea cause she thought that we would each know best what the other wanted. So... off we went. I stopped to talk with Joey about what he would like to get sister. He says "Well, I think I will buy Abby the stinky garbage truck." I snickered and said "Now, is that what Abby would like, or is that what Joey would like?" He just grinned at me with that cute little grin that states "Yep, I'm being a stinker!"

He continued with bringing up boy toys that sister might want and I continued to remind him... now that would be for Joey! Not Abby!

Needless to say, He made a GREAT pick for sister! I think she will be beside herself when she opens her gifts and bub is going to love what sister got! As much as shopping cracked me up, it made me proud how much my kids love each other and how excited they are to bless each other. Neither threw a fit to get something for themselves but instead they can't wait until Christmas to give a gift to each other! I love my stinkers so much!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

More than I can fathom...

Whelp, Last Thursday (12/9) we went in for our intake with the nurse at the Perinatal Center. They couldn't hear the heart beat of our little one, so they did an ultrasound brief but exciting! Baby Pfohl had a good strong heart beat of 162. Our little one was measuring 10 weeks and they said baby is the size of a grain of rice. The baby was moving. You could see the tiny little arms and tiny little legs.
The next day, Jeff showed the kids what a grain of rice was like. They were in shock. Funny thing, Joey thought Jeff was some how holding the baby and wanted to know where the arms and legs were! Cracked us up!
Its so beyond my ability to even fathom how something so tiny could be so alive and so precious inside of me! To understand that a little life has been placed there...
I have to say I have been very overwhelmed with a mix of emotions. The questions of what will this little life hold... I wait excitedly for the joys but yet find myself holding my breath trying not to fear.... God is so amazing. He's given us two awesome kids! He's held us close to his heart in the heart breaking moments yet given us more joy than we could ever imagine through their lives. I know this baby will be the same no matter the outcome of health. I believe his unfailing love is strong and He will hold us close to His heart no matter what. I am so thankful that God has trusted us with a precious baby that will join this world faster than we can imagine!