Wednesday, January 26, 2011

God amazes me...

Some times, I just sit in awe of who God is... I have been really struggling in the last 24 hours. God knows my heart, He knows my struggles and HE knows my needs. Some times, in the midst of a struggle, I want to withdrawal from every thing and every one and just be alone. I even catch myself doing that to God some times, but He reminds me, I can do NOTHING in my own strength. I came to tears today reading Psalm 142. The WHOLE thing is wonderful, however for me today, there were pieces I wanted to share.

"When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way... I cry to you, o Lord; I say, you are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living... Then the righteous will gather about me because of your goodness to me."

These are, as I said pieces of this passage. This entire passage is about Crying out to God... in loneliness, brokenness, whatever it is, crying out to Him and being heard even WHEN NO ONE ELSE hears... He is our portion, He is all we need and in the end, those will gather around because of seeing God's goodness.

It's a reminder to me, that when living life, the most important thing is drawing near to God! When we draw near to Him, He draws near to us with great love and people are drawn to that love. It doesn't matter what we face, or what we battle with, God is ENOUGH! He is big enough. He is good enough. He is faithful enough. He is strong enough. and His love is MORE than enough!

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