Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolutions made for me....

Most make their new years resolutions themselves... Mine was made for me this year. While at the doctor yesterday, I found out I have diabetes and have to start checking my blood sugars and watching what I eat now. I go Wednesday for my diabetes education. So, I started my new years day measuring food and beginning to think about all the nutritional stuff that goes into this. Have to say... I'm a bit stressed! Whew!
I am thankful though that I have to do this for Baby... I struggle to do things for myself out of just trying to take time for every one else... but now I can focus on this and get it under my belt and hopefully, once baby is born, it will be 2nd nature and I can continue on it simply to improve my own health. So... One day at a time... here we go! Lord give me strength!

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