Monday, October 20, 2008

Sleep deprived!!!!

Poor Joey! I have been up with him all night. He had a 102 temp through most of the night and tylenal FINALLY worked this morning. I thought I'd never get it to break. He's just miserable. I am almost convinced I now have Pneumonia and well, I think he does too! I think he gave it to me. Poor guy. he's well known for that at this time of the year. His asthma makes him more at risk for it. :( BUmmer! I want my pillow and blankie! Maybe when they are grown and caring for their own babies I'll get some sleep when I'm sick! :) THey are more than worth staying up to love on through the night!


Shelby-Grace said...

I'll be praying you get some rest today!

Casey R. Vincent said...

Mindy I am sorry to hear you are both sick! We will pray that you get feeling better soon and that you both get some rest!