Thursday, September 3, 2009

Joey's run of it...

Well, Mr. Joey has not had a good few days! For those of you who do not follow our caring bridge or face book, it's been a long road. Joey did very well during the surgery, however He did not come our of the anestesia easy. It took 5 hours for him to waken. He was unable to keep his O2 levels up and his heart rate was unstable. This was supposd to be a quick in and out procedure with no admission... but we landed ourselves and over night stay. around 3 a.m. they felt Joey was finally stable and doing good. Please pray for Abby. She had a frightening spell while we were there. I will explain that tomorrow as it will take much more detail! Here are some pics...

Joey on the way home... What an amazing lil man he is!!!

After surgery... in PACU. Poor lil man just wouldn't come too.

The surgeon gave Joey some proud patches. Batman is the place they opened his tummy to repair where the gtube was. The baseball is his belly button where they went in to repair his hernia. Spider man, on left thigh is where they did the skin and muscle biospies. He also had an MRI with MRS so... nothing proud to show there! He got the full service that day!

630 this morning... Joey was finally awake and able to grin a bit at us. So sweet!

This was Joey's final goal... sitting up in the bed. he got to go home after this! :) he can not sit right now with out support and hasn't been able to walk yet. So he has a road to go for healing. He has to stay completely resting for a week and then taking life lightly for the week after that! Thanks to all for prayers, e-mails, calls, txts... promise of meals now coming home! We are so grateful!!!!

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