Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Running in circles...

Do you ever feel as though you are running in circles? I am that way right now! i just am exhausted! ug!

Miss Abby is having some heart problems right now. Racing a good bit on her. So, genetics is sending her to cardiology. They noted it on exam as well. So, cardiology called on our way home from Cincinnati monday to tell us that they needed to see her thursday. So, we go in tomorrow. Sissy will be having a bunch of testing done while there. Probably echo, ekg and maybe blood work. then they will be sending her home on a haulter monitor. Should be exciting!!! she isn't keen on wearing that stuff on her body! We'll see.

last night, Cardiology called again to inform us that genetics wants Joey checked over as well. With looking at a muscle disease, the heart is a muscle as well so they will be tracking that closely to make sure all is ok there. They did say that they want to do an ECHO but because of joey's age and needing a good clear picture, they would have to put him under. Normally, they just sedate but because of Joey's breathing problems, he has to go completely under. This TERRIFIES me because of Joey's last experience with going under. He did NOT do well at all. so... we'll see. I'm going to talk to Dr. Spicer about it and see what he thinks and if we can't give the ECHO a try some other way.

Well, off to begin school! Have a great day every one! :)

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