Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ho Ho ho!!!!

Well, Abby and Joey got to see Santa last night at the Christmas walk up town. Abby was all about it. we don't do much of the "Santa" thing but she's been getting into it more with her friends, so we are going alone! Not that we don't want them too... we just kind of decided to go with the flow and do whatever. Abby's not been very interested in Santa until this year. She sat right up there and was all smiles! I didn't get to hear what she told him, but I'm sure she had a list! Joey however was not into the whole seen! He got stiffer and stiffer the closer we got and his lap time was oh... about 5 seconds! ha! so funny! I didn't have my camera with me! :( but next time maybe!!! Well, I hope all have a had a great day! Joey is sick right now as is half the world! So, we have had a jammie day all except for running a quick errand to Wal-Mart! Have a great night all! -Mindy

1 comment:

Keym said...

Santa can be creepy yo!