Sunday, December 28, 2008


Some times, it feels like life is a blank puzzle... you have to blindly put the pieces together where they fit and then when the puzzle is all finished... you see the big picture. I kind of feel like this is the way our lives have been. We walked through the horrid scare of mito. Wondering day by day if Joey would make it or if Abby would go backwards. Then God decided to move with a touch of healing and new medical care. Why? I don't know. Am I grateful? You better believe it. Now, He begins to work on our hearts. I look at every vessel ever used in the Bible. They have been through it in some form or another. Broken and totally reliant on God alone... Today, I sit and work on my puzzle pieces of life... we are working with some issues with the kids, working on what God wants from our lives, figuring out day to day what we are to be doing and who we are supposed to be in our community... and then I wonder... when I stand before God, what will my completed puzzle look like. I pray it is beautiful and I can look on it with Joy standing beside my Father in heaven as He says Well done! Just my random thought for the moment... hope it makes sense!!!


Sue said...

It makes perfect sense...and it is beautiful!

Thanks for sharing your heart, Mindy!

Shan said...

Amen. There are times when I really struggle with not knowing what the completed puzzle will look like (or my favorite analogy, the book of my life that Jesus and I will go through together). I just want to KNOW. The trusting without knowing, now that's where the faith comes in :)

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