Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ended with a bang...

Today has been super busy! I stopped for a short visit with granny. Took her some pictures of the kids and a picture abby colored for her! Then I was off to a cooking show! It was GREAT show! I was VERY excited!!! Then when I got home, Abby needed some girl time. So we got out the polish and spruced ourselves up! Miss Abby did her own... these aren't great pics cause I was using my cell, but still worth sharing! LOL! We had polish every where needless to say! :)

For a quick update... Abby and Joey are both running periodic fevers. Joey more so than Abby. However, Abby isn't feeling to great herself, it is obvious to see. Very tired and fussy most of the time.
As for Granny, she has been diagnosed with Mersa in her Leg (She fell awhile back and has an open wound), she sepsa in her blood, & Having problems with her BP dropping. She is hanging in there however, today having some difficulty breathing because of congestive heart failure. Thanks for the prayers!

1 comment:

Sue said...

I am very sorry to hear about your Grandma...I will be praying for her, your children and your whole family.

God bless!