Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tonsils are gone!!!

Miss Abby was a trooper through it all! She made her over night admission ok and it turned out to not be as bad as she expected! We had a moment of fear yesterday. The Anesthesia doc said because of Abby's weight and how tiny she is, she was likely to have much more problems with the procedure. She prepared us that often at that size, they are left on the breathing tube and placed in ICU. She thankfully was able to breathe on her own within moments of waking. PRAISE GOD!!!She's had trouble with pain control but not too bad. we are grateful for that. She is a trooper and good to do what the doctors tell her. So... that HELPS majorly! We ended up staying in Cinci tonight at our usual little room we get. They said that the first 48 hours is the most risky for bleeding, etc... so we thought that 3 hours away wasn't where we would rest the best! Please pray for her tonight. S he's groaning in her sleep and trying to clear her throat often! Poor thing! Her little throat is so tiny and then with her air way issues... it just makes it tighter in there. At least she is not in the hopsital!!! yeah!!!

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