Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Amazing changes...

You know, it has been EXACTLY 8 wks this Friday since Joey was last discharged from the Hospital. I tell you, I have never seen any thing like it. He is literally like a new kid! This weekend, he got a cold... He fought it like normal. He has a little lingering congestion, but nothing major. Abby was a good bit concerning, but she's nearing being over hers with just a little asthma irritation here and there. I just don't even begin to claim to fathom this all! I see so much change. Prayers are still needed because they are what has kept him home, however, He's doing so well and getting better with leaps and bounds. Today, his therapist got him to say Ball for the first time ever! That was very exciting. He was able to put balls and blocks in and out of cups which most of you would say that's no big deal, but for Joey it is a HUGE deal. It's just very exciting. He's been a little more wobbly today, but not bad at all in comparison to the steps he has taken backwards before with sickness. So, it is just AWESOME! A big thanks to every one of you who prays for him and for Abby. God has been faithful to hear those prayers and to keep our little guy going! As the therapists tell us every day "He has his delays but nothing like what he should. He's an amazing little fellow." I tend to agree and a lot of it has to do with those of you who stand behind us and pray. Thanks!!!

1 comment:

Kris Sorensen said...

This is a great report - praise God!