Sunday, August 19, 2007

Things that make you think....

Well, I have been reading a book by TD Jakes here recently. This book talks a lot about emotional healing and such. Today, it really convicted my heart. Jakes was talking about how we often "Joke" or "poke fun" at certain people types. Could be homosexuality, could be some one who colors their hair in a "wild" color, could be someone with piercings in place we wouldn't find ourselves desiring to place things... or could just be someone who looks different or lives a totally different lifestyle... I know that I have often found myself mindlessly participating in this kind of "poking fun" and the reality is, it isn't right. I was convicted though by what he said. We all know or should know anyways, that poking fun of any kind isn't nice, but what convicted my heart is that he talked about compassion in these situations. In the scripture, we find that Jesus was moved by compassion. He was moved by compassion to speak to the crowds of people waiting on him, he was moved by compassion to heal the woman who had been sick for so many years, he was moved by compassion to heal a sick child... In our moments of wanting to poke fun, shouldn't we be more so like Christ and moved by compassion to love every person? We forget that behind the make up, behind the clothes we all wear, behind the way we act or live our lives, there are real people who often have real hurts. So, when we are tempted to laugh... I pray for myself, I'll be tempted to be like Christ and be moved by compassion so that true ministry can happen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How interesting that you are reading what I've been listening to by another preacher/teacher, Anne Gimenez was saying in a cd i was listening to just today that this is one area where most of us fail to realize that when we carelessly slam others we are grieving the Holy Spirit (Eph. 4:2,3, 29-32) her point also was that God will not impart to us more of His power if we can't be trusted to guard our speech.