Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Family update....

Hey All! for those who are not caring bridge readers... here's the latest in the Pfohl house hold.

Joey: Joey had therapy yesterday. Speech went fairly well. I think she was excited to see how much Joey is starting to talk more. However, physical therapy was a challenge. Joey had a total melt down during it. The PT & I both felt it was exhaustion. She was so sweet. She called to check on Joey last night and apologize she didn't see the ques. I didn't either. I really just thought he was being stubborn but He fell asleep and then told me later he was just too tired. So, we have decided to move his schedule around. we'll be going three different days now instead of all in one. Joey's congestion is lingering so... please pray for that to go away so it doesn't turn into any thing.

Abby: Missy Lou is doing ok. She's having some emotional issues right now. We think a lot of it is she knows something is up with daddy but she doesn't understand it. Her face is swollen and puffy this morning. We are just keeping an eye on her at this point.

Jeff: Jeff is still having lots of issues right now. his pain is up and regular ibuprofien isn't really helping. He goes to our PCP today to see about getting something that might help especially at night. He's waking from the pain. His legs are also jerking periodically. So... just not sure over all. We are going to be seeing a nuero in Richmond, IN. So, we will see how that goes

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