Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tomorrow is the day....

Well, we are excited! Tomorrow, we will be closing on the house! It will be a done deal! Abby wants to paint her room the minute it's sealed! She's so funny! She wants her room to be pink... I think we may just be able to work that out! :)

Things are going good here. We have had a more mild week. No trips to Cincinnati. Just our routine therapies, etc.

We have had lots of talks with the doc this week. Genetics has referred us to the wheel chair clinic. They have decided that the kids will need these on days with lots of walking or lots of standing. This will help with their endurance. We took the kids to the zoo and had the realization that when we used the chairs, they were able to stay the whole time and be a kid. They got up to play when other kids were and then sat to walk between exhibits. After seeing this, Jeff and I just realized how tired they really do get. Not a comforting thought, but we are thankful to have something to help them on days like this.

We are waiting word on Cardiology right now. We aren't sure the Halter monitor results yet. I must say that I'm hoping they caught something so we can know what's going on when Abby feels this way.

Whelp... that's about all... We will be watching service from here this morning! Join us if you have time at 1045.

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