Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Painting the rooms...

Well, we have started painting. The kids are ecstatic!!! Miss Abby has wanted a pink room since we left Muncie three years ago. We have wanted to give her that... but we've been renters... now we can give her that. I was going to go with a very pale pink... more like a pastel. However, she wanted a bright vibrant color. I started to say no. Then I started thinking about things and realized, she doesn't have a lot of control and say in what she gets to do. So, I decided the decision was hers... Daddy is putting it on the wall. I figure in a year, when she's sick of it, a can of primer and a different color isn't too much for making her happy right now... so... it has begun. The pink walls are arriving her little face has been lit up all day!

As for me... my body aches! I've been working hard to get ready for winter and settle in a little deeper here at home. So... I rearranged bub's room first. His room is on the wall that faces the open field behind our house. That means that his wall gets a bit chilly. We moved his bed. Cleaned up toys, organized his closet. He has a huge closet so the wheel chairs will fit in there nicely now and can come out of the van for when we aren't on a long trip. Yippee!! I love order! So very much love order!

1 comment:

The Besmer Family said...

you are such a virgo! order... organization!! and oh my... what a pink room! looks like a bunch of fun!