Saturday, February 10, 2007

Excitement every where!

Well, today was distribution day. Jeff was up at 4:30 a.m. and on his way to Farmland to unload the semi. Me? I slept in until about 7:30 when Abby awoke and just wanted to snuggle... ahh... I enjoy those moments! Especially in the morning. Bubby slept until about 8:30... so we had a pretty quiet morning. Not too shabby! =) Unfortunately, we still had no sign of water today. So, Jeff came home and spent an hour crawling around under the trailer to see if he could figure out what was going on and why on earth the heat tape wasn't doing it's job... well, he found out... IT'S NOT WORKING! Hmm... that added some fun to the day. It was a given obvious that it wasn't working, however, assumedly, we had hoped that maybe it had just been too cold, but with the temps some what rising, really the heat tape still is obviously non-effective. So, he called his brother, Mike (in picture above) and together they started crawling all around under there. Found some surprises that they'll have to repair this spring. Yeah!!! =) They called all over Muncie looking for heat tape and had absolutely no luck. Where did they find it? Selma! Yep, little tiny Selma came through! So, off they went. Meanwhile, I'm preparing to go to the laundry mat! By this time, I was wearing a 2 day old outfit! Whew! Not a good thing... so they returned from the hardware store to help carry out all our stinky clothes! Upon arrival to the laundry mat, there was a couple there from our church. She started giggling and asked "Is there any place in that truck you didn't manage to squeeze in laundry?" Ha! We just kept coming and coming! =) You'll see those pictures tomorrow as they are on my sister's camera. Abby has never been to a laundry mat and well, she just had a ball! Her and bubby were every where! We took bubby's walker along and he was under the folding racks and people's feet! Thankfully, the place was full of grandmas and they were having as much of a ball watching! Oh so much fun! By the end of the day, I'm not sure who's nerves were more shot... mommy's or Aunt Christi's! =) We were a bit FrAzZlEd!!! WE arrived home with semi wet clothes as I'm a stingy stinker and didn't want to spend all that money on dryers... so Jeff started unpacking, hanging what was dry and drying what was wet still! Hey, our water is froze! Not our dryer!!! =) We finished the day shivering over a hot bowl of homemade potato soup (Oh, bubby had turkey & squash with his usual side of butter and topped it all off with a wonderful bottle of Ketocal!!) All in all... it was a great day! =) Oh well... we are all still smiling! That's the important thing in every body's day!

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