Thursday, February 22, 2007

Someone shrunk the wagon!

Well, I'm not sure that Joey fits in this wagon. =) He tried very hard, but well... I think Papaw needs to find a bigger wagon!

Today has been a fiasco. Settling back into old routines... catching up laundry, dishes, grocery shopping... does it ever end? Joey found himself under a pile of clothes as he decided to pull up on the laundry basket... he toppled and clothes came tumbling after! He decided he didn't like helping with the laundry. Abby, well she has been so stinking hyper this evening. Into EVERY THING and whew... I can't keep up!

We are going to try very hard to restart our diets tomorrow. Neither of us are feeling good and the reality is, we aren't just hurting ourselves, but we are hurting each member of our family. I know for me, I have been grouchy and well... I'M OUT OF SHAPE! I'm hoping to keep every one updated as I go. Some wise person (pastor Don) once told me that you only fail when you give up... so I haven't given up yet... I'm just picking up and trying again! =)

We have a busy day tomorrow... so off to bed we go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we sure do miss you guys. Its been so quiet here that it's actually scarry! no Jacks Big Music Show.... no Dora Cartoons.... no little monkeys jumpin on the beds.... no one raiding the fridge... no toys strewd all over the house..... no dirty baby bottles.... no jo jo bears, no aberoonies, no mindys, no Jeff's. what do we do for fun now? hmmmmm. love, mom & dad