Monday, February 26, 2007

Our darkest hour...

I've been up with Abby for the last half an hour. She was having an asthma attack. I gave her the treatment and then sat beside her bed to make sure her breathing was going to normalize. I was just getting ready to wrap up and go to bed and she started crying in her sleep. I squeezed her hand to assure her and let her know that mommy was right here with her. You know, I often wonder how many of us realize that in our darkest hour, when we begin to cry, God is right there beside us. His hand there to comfort us. I am challenged by that, but you know, He is our father. I know that I would not leave one of my children alone if they were sick, in need or even hurting... why would God leave us alone? I've been challenged in my faith since Joey has received his diagnosis. Then the question is left open, "Does Abby have it?" I have had many dark hours since we stood in the hospital room and had Joey's disease explained to us. At that moment, I felt alone... How could God let this happen to my baby... but now, I look back and He was there. He gave me incredible strength and still continues to do so EVERY day. Yep... I still struggle. I get angry, I hurt, I fear... but I realize... in every moment... His hand is there because He IS my Father. I know that I need to stop more often to enjoy that... as children, we snuggle on daddy's lap... or for some those memories aren't so good... but, our memories of our Heavenly father can be beautiful and sweet! He'll never let us down... He'll never abandon us... He's there... waiting... arms open... Heart full of love!

1 comment:

Kris Sorensen said...

Praying for your family today.