DO you ever feel like you are running in circles? Today, I did! I'm telling you, it's just been a day that makes me take a deep breath and says "whew!" because it is over! Wow. Anyways, Abby and Joey had rehab this a.m. Joey had his usual OT and well, he did a good job. They worked on putting rings onto things, putting things in a "barrel", coloring, and then Joey decided to take a crawl around the rehab center looking for us. Ha! Abby, well, she had her
eval today for PT. They are not going to be following her right now because she's doing
ok developmentally. They said she
t have a lot of muscle mass which makes me shake inside, but she's able to work around it. So, that is GREAT. After this, we were off to Riley to get blood work done on Abby and Pick up some paper work for a meeting for Joey tomorrow. Then, we were off to the rehab center again! Joey had his speech
eval. Not what we had hoped for. He scored mixed across the board, however, his average scored as 3-6
mths. in age on development with his language. So, he'll start up some more therapy on that. Now, we are home! We have cleaned the kids rooms and one bathroom. I spoke with the park manager here again today. The previous one was let go, so we have another one... she's going to work on getting the
trailer sold for us... PRAY IT GOES QUICK! There are a couple of places that we have our eye on in Farmland. I'll be excited to move. =)
OK, well enough of the
Pfohl chaos! Night to all!