Saturday, July 21, 2007


I have to say I'm sorry! I accidentally told a tale! I have time to blog tonight. I shouldn't, but hey, so what if the kids are in bed, I've had my shower and I should be asleep! It's over rated! =) I was able to get three rooms packed, most of the laundry and my dishes done today! Just call me the woman! =) Sometimes I just get in these super charge modes... I took a personality test at a church once. They call it DISC. D is basically driven, I can't remember I & S because they have nothing to do with me.. but C is someone who has to have all the questions answered etc. It's a lethal mix to have a D & a C together, but when you have them all in one person... umm... Ask Jeff... FRIGHTENING! When there is a task before me, I'm so driven I will go to any extent to get it done, but, I have to have my details in line as well and I'm psychotic about it. Anyone who worked with me on the paper work side of AFM would UNDERSTAND what I'm saying. =) So, moving for me... I have to have it organzied and timely... but GET IT DONE FOR HEAVEN SAKES! =) Joey and Abby have been very patient of mommy today. Joey however has decided to unpack what mommy packs. I'm quickly putting stuff in a box and I look down... IT'S EMPTY! Yep. He did it... one thing right after the other... Abby... well, she's satisfied to watch Dora and every once in a while look up to say "Are we ready to go to the new house mom?" Ha! My kids! Gotta love 'em.

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