Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Our weekend...

WE are still packing like crazy although we have no word yet on a new house. Aaahhhh!!! I figure that God is more than able. He knows the situation... so we are waiting.... We were excited to celebrate my parents 40th anniversary this weekend. Congrats you two!

The kids absolutely loved it! They had so much fun. we had a cook out and camp fire to celebrate. Abby especially enjoyed cleaning the corn that the Frost family shared with us! Thanks guys! It tasted AWESOME! Joey, well, he seemed to be a little weight contentious. Ha! Abby and Joey found themselves infatuated with a pool-noodle war! ha! Mommy was a bit overwhelmed and I think had a few lumps to show for the noodle war! Oh dear!!!

Joey is really becoming a walker... He certainly isn't graceful yet... but you know... HE'S DOING IT. We didn't know if we'd ever get to see that but we sure have. So we are thrilled. Who needs graceful! =) Well, here's to hoping for a good word on our home today!

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