Sunday, July 29, 2007

A busy Sunday...

Don't you just love the rat race of Sunday mornings? Out of desperation, my daughter had "Mashin tatoes" (pronounced by her exactly as spelled.) Anyways, we got out the door only to realize that she was distraught and her comes her teacher from little kids zone running to bring her back to me. She missed daddy and well... life has just been crazy with the move. Poor baby. What happens to daddy while I'm upstairs with Abby? He's pacing the halls with Joey. Hmm... welcome back from your missions trip daddy! Oh well. It's been a bit psychotic around here today. So, after church, mommy realized that she forgot Joey's thickener... this is a bad thing because Joey absolutely can not drink liquids that aren't thickened. So, it is unnecessarily use his Gtube, or drive back to my parents to get thickener... In the car we went! Then it was a race! we were meeting Jeff's family at Ryan's for dinner tonight... so we had to get back to the church to take the van back to the rental place that they used for the missions trip... then we had to get to the restaurant. So... guess what? We made it with 5 minutes to spare! =) That is a look into the Pfohl family Sunday. Ha! Well, here's hoping for a calm day tomorrow! We Sign the closing papers for our trailer! Yeah!!!! I'm very excited! Then, hopefully by Wednesday we'll be moving into our new place.

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