Monday, July 9, 2007

Good night kisses...

Well, Joey has decided that he's going to start kissing every one! Ha! Ok, it's more like licking, but he's so proud of himself! Let me tell you! I got cracked up tonight when sissy went to say her usual good night to Joey and he kissed her back! She screached exclaiming "Bubby kissed me mom!" Ha! Oh my goodness. It was just too funny. I think she was to preoccupied with the excitement of it to realize that she had just been slimed! =) Just too good. That's all I have to say. Well, tonight we enjoyed a camp fire on our back porch in our fire reing. It was lots of fun. I discovered I CAN eat s'mores on weight watchers! YEAH!!!! Who would have thought? Anyways, not something I'd need to do every day, but I wasn't arguing about it tonight! Abby demanded her marchmallow to NOT be cooked and Joey, he was content to chase his new dinasour all around the patio. Well, tomorrow leaves for a VERY long day. both kids have rehab first thing, then we are off to Riley for blood work for Abby, then back to Muncie to take Joey to another rehab. Ug! Well, hopefully by this time tomorrow night, I'll still have the ability to blog and not be exhausted from all that RACING! Night and wet kisses to all! =)

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