Sunday, April 20, 2008

Compassion Sunday...

Today we had compassion Sunday at church. I was so thankful to be there. Joey is having trouble with being anxious about the nursery. He really needs structure to feel secure. I think a lot of his medical issues cause that. I wasn't too sure about going in today. I didn't know a lot about compassion... I didn't really get to hear much of it as I was busy chasing Joey around. However, one phrase rang out in my mind and continued to the rest of the day... "Please save my child." This was a phrase that Shaun Groves shared today in service. He said mom's were begging him when he was there to save their child/children. I brushed it off as I went right back to chasing Joey... and actually, at this time, I was digging a ping pong ball out of the gum ball machine with a butter knife... so YES I was a bit distracted! Jeff said right after church he wanted us to pick a child. So, we did... I was kind of in that "Oh sure... why not" mode... I hate to confess that, but I just hadn't arrived yet... through lunch, I continued to hear that phrase ring in my head and I began thinking about all the sick children... then my heart started to break. I, by no means, am suffering from poverty, or suffering from lack of good medical care... however, I can relate to the cries of those mothers hearts! I feel helpless to help my children every day, I have no where to turn, no way to take their pain away and ABSOLUTELY no way of explaining to them why mommy can't make life "normal" and I broke. Jeff asked me on the way home what I was thinking and I started to sob. Here are all these little faces and I know that pain of helplessness... I sobbed and told him that I so much wish I could take on every child! Here is an opportunity that we have to bring hope to these families, medical care, healthy food... JESUS!!!! We have an opportunity to love them and give them a life. I couldn't face the families that Shaun faces... my heart couldn't take it. However, I can help! I can give. I pray if any of you were there today, if you are still waivering in your decision... ACT!!! God wants us to reach out... God wants us to change lives... here is an opportunity. There is hope and answers for these families and I pray that we don't clutch our own so much that we can't give them that $32 LIFE CHANGING dollars! How honoring it is to share in today and to help a young person who not only needs this money to improve life, but needs the light of Jesus shown bright for them!

1 comment:

Shelby-Grace said...

Great words Mindy!