Monday, April 14, 2008

Crazy Day...

Well, I would like to say today has been wonderful... but not the case! Joey was up almost all night and miss Abby followed suit! Lovely! Daddy took the first half of the watch and I covered the last... but wow! We are both walking zombies today! Miss Abby was running a temp this morning but not ill symptoms. Jeff and i are coming to realize that when Abby gets too tired, she has even more problems regulating her body temp... so my guess is, that is what happened. She said that class made her very tired yesterday. So, I guess she meant it! Joey is sick tonight. Full of gunk and running a fever. Should be yet another long night! If any one comes knocking tomorrow, forgive me if I'm asleep in a corner and don't hear you! The packing is actually coming along, but not as quickly as I would like for it to. it seems there is just stuff EVERY WHERE!!! Please pray for that to move along though. We have about a week and a half until we move! Enough of my ramblings. I'm going to go do Joey's meds and try to sleep for a bit! Night all!

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