Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Man, I am home sick for my husband. I miss him so much! Jeff is so special. He is not just a husband and father, he truly is my best friend! We talk about every thing. I missed him so bad and Miss Abby was having a rough day making my day rougher and so I snapped when I heard his voice tonight! Poor man! I was a loaded cannon! :) He is doing well, but says he's missing home. The trip seems to be going good. You can check it out on HIS blog. He said that they have cock roaches the size of a half dollar coin there! Eeekkkk!!!!!!!! I would not survive! He can leave his bag outside when he gets home! :) No roaches for me!!! We are keeping busy here. Another mito family stayed with us last night. It was nice to talk and understand each other! First friend who's ever been here during med time and they didn't shreak at the amount of meds I was giving my kid! We were cracking up at each other and Our little routines though! Well, I hope all have a great night! I am dropping on a pillow now! night!


Hobbs Family said...

Mindy, Hang in there...I am the same way when Chris and I are not together. I will be praying for a peaceful day for you. Are they sure the people in New Orleans were not fleeing from the roaches? YIKES!!!!

Shelby-Grace said...

I hope you have a stress-free day tomorrow! I'll be praying for you.