Friday, June 6, 2008

Rat race...

I absolutely was exhausted last night and I forgot to set the alarm clock! So, at 7:48 the rat race began this morning. Abby was due at 9 a.m. to be in Muncie to have ankle braces adjusted. So, we had to GO AND GO NOW!!! We needed to leave by 8:20 this morning. So, I shook Jeff out of bed and we managed to make it happen. He changed the kids, got things together to take, fed the fish, grabbed me some breakfast to go while I made formula, dosed meds up, packed the formula bag and dashed for the van! Ha! It was insanely chaotic and we have NEVER EVER made it out the door this fast! whew!!! So now... I'M WIPED OUT!!! The kids and i have had a lazy day today. Tonight, we go help mamaw Pfohl move so I guess you'd say that we are storing up our energy! :) Have a good afternoon all!

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