Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I honestly think I'm too tired to blog tonight, but I am going to do it anyways... do you ever feel like every part of your body weighs like 10 times more than what it should just cause you are so tired? I'M SO THERE! My mom's surgery went well today and I'm so thankful. She is out of it still and they said would be all night. They are keeping her very medicated right now. She was talking about rabbits and kittens at one point... we never really figured it out... but gave us a chuckle anyways. Thank you to every one who prayed... they are 99% sure they got all of the cancer. We'll know for sure in about 2 weeks, but sounds positive. Ok, taking my droopy eyes to bed. night.

1 comment:

Your Royal Majesty 8<} said...

Hi Mindy, I'm glad to know that all went well with your mom's surgery!! And that they think they got all the cancer!! That's wonderful news :)
I hope you and the kids slept VERY well last night.
Peace be with all of you :)