Friday, January 25, 2008

Two of the greatest kiddos!

Well, here we see Joey trying on his Eli's angels hat. (wonderful wonderful program for children suffering from a mitochondrial or metabolic disease ) Then miss Abby is showing one of her first faces she made. He looks a bit frowny though! We have worked on turning that frown upside down. =) It's been very nice having this vacation time with daddy. It's been the first time in almost 2 years we have had family time uninterrupted by medical issues. The kids have had their bumps and it's been hard to watch, but it's been so nice to be together. They are so happy to have daddy home and we have had NO appointments this week. Rehab was off the schedule and so was it all! That's been mommy's vacation. Medical never stops as there are feeds to worry about, fluids to run, meds to get ready, etc etc... but no doctors or therapists (Even though we love them all, nice for a break from the running.) Thanks for checking in on us. Have a great night!

1 comment:

Shelby-Grace said...

Glad you were able to relax and enjoy some time away with your family!